How to Edit PDF File

There is no doubt that a PDF file is an excellent way to present your data in a safe and professional. You can present words, pictures, graphs, and Xcel in an organized presentation on the same page of PDF File. Whoever you are, you might agree that sometimes you need to edit the data of a PDF file, or you need to extract data from a PDF File. So. “how to edit pdf file” is an essential question to all, including you. Today in this article, we got a chance to discuss the same in detail. I hope you will keep patience to read the discussion to the end continuously.


Why You Need to Edit PDF:

You can make a big list of the reason why you need to edit PDF Files. And you can explain many causes for which you are looking for “how to edit the pdf file.” I just tried to generalize two reasons you need to edit PDF files, for which you need to look for “how to edit the pdf file.”


Two generalized reasons 

  • To edit, add or remove data of, to, or from existing pdf file
  • To extract data for preparing a new file or presentation


How to Edit PDF Files:

We hope you already know that there are many ways to edit pdf files. As you find “how to edit pdf file,” you already know that there are some ways software base and some are online base. Not only that, you will get some ways are free of service, and some are with payment. In response to “how to edit pdf file,” we will try to discuss the forms from the two corners of view as below:

  1. Edit Text in PDF Files with Adobe Acrobat
  2. Edit Images in PDF Files with Adobe Acrobat


1.Edit Text in PDF Files with Adobe Acrobat:


Set the default font to be used to add and update the text to:

By default, Acrobat selects nearby font attributes for the new text when adding text to a PDF. Similarly, if you edit existing text in a PDF file and the font is not accessible on the system, the font falls back to a particular font in a specific script by default. For example, in Roman script fonts, the font drops back to Minion Pro. This default behaviour will result in fonts that appear inconsistently in a PDF document. To keep it consistent across all PDFs, you can use the Font Choices under the Document Editing preferences to select a particular font to add text and edit text.

  • Pick Preferences in Acrobat from the Edit menu. The dialog box for Preferences is to reveal.

(Alternatively, on Windows, you can press the Ctrl+K key or the Command+K key on macOS.)

  • Click Content Editing under Categories in the dialog box.
  • In the drop-down-lists, pick the required font:
  1. Font Fallback for Editing
  2. Font default for Attaching Text and Font Size
  • To save the changes and close the Preferences dialog box, click OK.


Adding New Texts to the PDF Files:

Using any of the fonts built on the device, you can add or insert new text into a PDF.

  • Choose Tool > PDF Edit > Add Text  .
  • Drag to determine the width of the block of text that you want to include.
  • Right-click, the text box for vertical text and select, Make Text Directions Vertical.
  • The Add Text tool intelligently detects the following text properties close to the click-through point:
  1. Name of font, size, and color
  2. The spacing of characters, paragraphs, and lines
  3. Scaling Horizontally
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These text properties are added automatically to the text that you add at the clicked point.

You may use the options under Format in the right pane to adjust the text properties.

  • Specify the text.
  • Drag the selection handle to resize the text box.
  • Place the pointer over the border box’s line to transfer the text box (avoid the selection handles). Drag the box to a new position as the cursor changes to the Transfer Pointer. Click Shift when dragging to maintain compatibility with the other list-objects.


Edit Text – Alter, substitute, or remove text:

When you edit text, the paragraph text is mirrored in its text box to accommodate changes. Each text box is separate, and inserting text into a single text block does not push or reflow to the next page from an adjacent text box.

  • Choose Tool > PDF Edit > Change .
  • Pick the text that you’d like to edit. When picked, the textbox turns blue, and a rotation handle appears at the top of the selected textbox.
  • By doing one of the following, edit the text:

= To overwrite the selected text, type a new reader, or uninstall it, click Delete.

= Using the rotation handle at the top of the chosen text box to rotate the text box.

=you can Use the list controls (bulleted and numbered) in the right-side Format panel to handle list-objects. You can create a list of items, convert an existing paragraph to a list of things, convert a current list of items to a section and convert them from one form of checklist to another.

= In the Format panel on the right, pick a font, font size, or other formatting choices. Advanced format options, such as line spacing, character spacing, horizontal scaling, stroke width, and colour, can also be used.


You must have bought a font for legal purposes and have it mounted on your machine to revise text using that font.

You can edit text only if your machine is ready with the font used for that text. If the font is not mounted on your device but is ready to embed in the PDF, you can only change the font color & size. You can’t edit any of the text if the font isn’t mounted or embedded.

  • To deselect it and start over, click on the outside of the list.


Formatting Text – Change font, size, line spacing, character spacing, stroke width, horizontal scaling, or color spacing:

  • Choose Tools > Edit PDF > Edit
  • Pick the text that you’d like to alter.
  • In the Format panel on the right, choose a font, font size, or other formatting options. Advanced format options, such as line spacing, character spacing, horizontal scaling, stroke width, and color, can also be used.


You must have bought a font for legal purposes and have it mounted on your machine to revise text using that font.

You can edit text only if your machine is ready with the font used for that text. If the font is not mounted on your device but is ready to embed in the PDF, you can only change the font color & font size. You can’t edit any of the text if the font isn’t mounted or embedded.

  • To deselect it and start over, click on the outside of the list.


A textbox moves, rotate, or resizes:

You can shift text boxes on a page or rotate them. With the Edit Text & Images method, each text box needs to highlight, so it is clear what text is affected. Sometimes Editing might be blocked to the page. You can’t drag a text block to another page or inside a text box; transfer or rotate individual characters or words. You can copy text boxes and paste them on a separate page, however.

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The resizing of a text box allows the text to reflow inside the text box’s new limits. It does not adjust the text’s height. As with other text updates, it is resizing is restricted to the current page. No text flows to the next tab.

  • Select Tools > Edit PDF > Edit .
  • Click the text box you want to move, rotate, or resize
  • Do one of the following:

Step Move

Over the line of the bounding box, position the pointer (avoid the selection handles). Drag the box to the desired position when the cursor switches to the Transfer Pointer. As you drag, keep the Shift key down to limit the motion vertically or horizontally.


Step Rotate

Click and hold the  Rotation pointer drag in the direction you want it to rotate.


Step Resize

Over either circular selection handles, position the pointer and drag the handle to resize the text block.


Highlight, strikethrough, or underline text:

Using the Comment feature to mark the selected text with a highlight, tap, or underline. In the PDF, the actual text doesn’t change. These markups only show where the text in the source file needs to edit and how. For more info, see Text highlight, strikethrough, or underline.



2.            Edit images or objects in a PDF with Adobe Acrobat:

This guide describes how to use Acrobat DC to add, resize, transfer or replace images and objects in a PDF. (Click the appropriate link above if you search for information about how to edit or format text in a PDF or edit a scanned PDF.)

Place an image or object into a PDF

  • Open the PDF in Acrobat, and then choose ToolsEdit PDF > Add Image
  • Locate the image file you want to put in the Open dialog box.
  • Choose an image file and press the Open button.
  • Click where you want the image to put, or click-drag to scale the image as it is.
  • With the same resolution as the original file, a copy of the image file appears on the tab.
  • To resize an image, use the bounding box handles or the tools in the right-hand panel under Flip, Rotate, or Crop artifacts.

Move or resize an image or object:

Open the PDF file in Acrobat and, depending on what you want to pass, pick the appropriate tool:

Image: Select Tools > Edit PDF > Change   . The camera icon appears in the top left corner when you mouse over an image you can edit.

Interactive Objects: Choose Resources > Rich Media > Select-Object . to edit shape fields, buttons, or other interactive objects  ..


Do one of the following:

  • Drag it to the desired position to move the image or object. You cannot drag images or objects to another page (you can cut and paste them to a new page instead). Press and hold the Shift key to limit movement up or down, or right or left, and then drag the object.
  • Pick it to resize the image or entity, and then drag the handle. Keep the Shift key to maintain the original aspect ratio and then pull the handle.


If multiple objects are selected, you can shift or resize them together. Press and hold the Shift key to pick several objects and then click one-by-one on the objects.


Rotate, flip, crop (clip), or replace an image:

  • Open the PDF in Acrobat, and then choose Tools > Edit PDF > Edit.
  • Select the image (or images) – click the picture to select it.
  • Under Objectsin the right-hand panel, click one of the following tools:

Flip Vertical  Flips the image vertically, on the horizontal axis.

Flip Horizontal  Flips the image horizontally, on the vertical axis.

Rotate Counterclockwise  Rotates the selected image ninety degrees in the counterclockwise direction.

Rotate Clockwise  Rotates the selected image ninety degrees in the clockwise direction.

Crop Image  Crops or clips the selected image. Drag a selection handle to crop the image.

Replace Image  Replaces the selected image with the image you choose. Locate the replacement image in the Open dialog, and click Open.



The maximum time you will face the situation to edit text & images in a pdf file. We tried to cover these two point of view in this article. But till now you might have some queries. So you must feel free to write in our comment box. And then we will try to cover them all. Thanks for your patience!


By NMK Pro