Indian Army Recruitment 2020 - Indian Army Bharti 2020Indian Army Recruitment 2020 - Indian Army Bharti 2020

Indian Army Recruitment 2020

Indian Army, Indian Army Recruitment 2020 (Indian Army Bharti 2020) for 99 Soldier General Duty (Women Military Police) in the Indian Army.

Indian Army Recruitment 2020: Indian Army has published the recruitment notification for the recruitment of Soldier General Duty (Women Military Police). Eligible and interested candidates can apply for the post of through official website from 27 July 2020 to 31 August 2020.

India Army will conduct recruitment rallies at Ambala, Lucknow, Jabalpur, Bangalore, Shillong, and Pune. Admit Cards for the rally will be sent through registered e-mail. Candidates will be allotted venue based on their home districts. The final location and date of the recruitment rally will be given on the admit card.

Total: 99 Posts

Name of the Post: Soldier General Duty (Women Military Police)

Educational Qualification: Minimum education qualification is Matric / 10th / SSLC or equivalent with 45% marks in aggregate and minimum 33% marks in each subject studied at Matric /10th /SSLC level without mentioning any specific subjects.

Age Limit: Candidates should born between 01 October 1999 & 01 April 2003

Height: 152 cms

Job Location: All India

Important Dates

  • Starting Date of Application – 27 July 2020
  • Last Date of Application – 31 July 2020

Indian Army Recruitment 2020: Indian Army Vacancy Details

Soldier General Duty (Women Military Police) – 99 Posts

Eligibility Criteria for Soldier General Duty (Women Military Police) Indian Army Recruitment 2020.

Educational Qualification for Indian Army Recruitment 2020:

Minimum education qualification is Matric / 10th / SSLC or equivalent with 45% marks in aggregate and minimum 33% marks in each subject studied at Matric /10th /SSLC level without mentioning any specific subjects.

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Minimum Physical Requirements for Indian Army Recruitment 2020:

  • Height – 152 cms
  • Weight – Proportionate to height and age as per Army Medical standards.
  • Chest Expansion – The candidate should be capable of chest expansion of 05cms

Age (in years):

17 ½ to 21 years

Selection Process for Soldier General Duty (Women Military Police) Posts

Written Test through Common Entrance Examination (CEE) will be conducted for medically fit candidates at the nominated venue. Location, date and time of the written test will be intimated at rally site and through Indian Army Admit Cards

How to Apply for Indian Army Soldier General Duty (Women Military Police) Posts?

Eligible and interested candidates can apply for the posts through the official website from 27 July 2020 to 31 August 2020.

Some important questions that may come in the exam of Indian Army Recruitment 2020.

  1. In which state did Pallavas Rule? – Kaanchi.
  2. McMohan line is the border of? – India & China.
  3. Martin Luther King was related to which country? – The USA.
  4. Quit India Movement Was Initiated in the year? 1942.
  5. When did India Get a gold medal in the Olympic games? In 1928.
  6. Who heads the planning commission in India? Prime Minister.
  7. Which is not a real fruit? Plum.
  8. Which state produces most coffee in India? Karnataka
  9. Which star is known as an evening star? Venus
  10. Which is not a mammal? Shark

You need not worry if you are weak in English as the questions are asked in both language i.e Hindi and English.

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Paper pattern and format of Indian army

Now, if you are unaware of the paper pattern and format of the written exam, then below are the details of the paper pattern for the different departments like GD, technical, etc.

For soldier GD:-

There will be multiple-choice questions i.e you will have to select one of the four options given. The question paper will be of a total of 100 marks and out of which candidates are required to get at least 32 marks to be considered as pass. 1 hour will be given to the candidates to complete the paper.

The paper will carry questions related to GK (general knowledge), general science, and maths. 30% of the questions will be based on GK, 30% on maths, and the remaining 40% on general science. The best thing is that the question paper will not be that hard, as the questions will be class 10th based.

Not to mention, if you have an NCC (national cadet corps) ‘C’ certificate then you do not need to give the written exam of soldier GD, which means that you will only have to clear the physical part of the recruitment.

Be well aware as there will be negative marking in the written exam, so answer the questions carefully.

Fee: No fee.

The venue of Recruitment Rally: Ambala, Lucknow, Jabalpur, Bangalore, Shillong & Pune

Date of Online Application: 31 August 2020

Notification: View

Online Application: Apply Online

See Also – Indian Army TGC Recruitment 2020 – Indian army tgc 2020 for 40 vacancies

By nmkpro