Universal Donor Blood Type

No one can say when danger comes. And if it is an accidental or pregnancy problem, then there is no doubt that blood must need. If luck is good, many people get healthy without blood.  But when blood is required, the search for blood begins, and the blood group is not readily available to anyone. Blood does not match with anyone. What can we do now? In this case, the universal blood group or O negative blood group comes in handy. If there is a cross-matching of a sick person’s blood group with a person of O negative blood group, it is possible to save his life with easy blood. Knowing so much about the Universal Donor Blood Type, read the full content. And learn more.

In emergencies, the physician does not always have time to determine the patient’s blood type before saving lives. In these examples, physicians arrive at a universal donor blood type.

Besides, It is determining your blood type by genes inherited from your parents.

Whether your blood type is rare, typical, or anywhere, your donation is essential to help save lives and improve.

To know more about Universal Donor Blood Type, please scroll down.

What is blood grouping?

Blood type (also known as blood group) is blood-based classification on the presence and absence of antibodies and the antigenic substances obtained by inheriting blood cells’ surface (RBCs). Antigens might be proteins, carbohydrates, glycoproteins depending on the system of the blood group. Few of these antigens are also present on the surface of other types of cells in other tissues. Besides, most of the antigens on these red blood cells’ surface can come from an allele (or an alternative version of the gene) and collectively form the blood group system.

Also, the essential antigens are blood group antigens (ABO) and RH antigens, which are either present (positive, +) or absent (negative, -). So, the two most common blood tests are the ABO test and RH test.

Antibodies and antigens

Blood is made up of blood cells, white blood cells, and a liquid platelet called plasma. Antibodies and antigens in the blood characterize your blood group.

Antibodies are proteins found in plasma. These are part of your body’s natural defenses. They detect foreign substances such as germs and alert your immune system, which destroys them.

Antigens are protein molecules found on the surface of red blood cells.

ABO test

The ABO test mainly shows that people have one of four types of blood: A, B, AB, or O. If you have red blood cells:

A antigen

You have a blood type. Your blood fluid (plasma) contains antibodies that attack B-type blood. About 36% (36 out of 100) people in the United States have a blood type, 6% have A-negative (A-) blood and 30% have A-positive (A +) blood

B antigen.

You have type B blood. Your plasma contains antibodies that attack blood types. In the United States, about 11% (11 out of 110) people have a blood type, including 2% B-negative (B-) blood and 9% B-positive (B +) blood.

Neither A nor B antigen.

You have a blood type. Your plasma contains antibodies that attack both type A and type B blood. About 48% of people in the United States (48 out of 100%) have an O blood type, 9% have O-negative (O-) blood, and 39% have O-positive (O +) blood.

Both A and B antigens

You have type AB blood. Your plasma does not have antibodies against A or type B blood. About 5% of people in the United States have type AB blood, including 1% AB-negative (AB-) blood and 4% AB-positive (AB +) blood.

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How can I give blood?

It’s easy to be a blood donor if you:

  • She is healthy as well as
  • Age between 18 and 65 years
  • Also, it Weighs at least 110 pounds

Then, you are eligible for blood donation.

However, there are some barriers to blood donation. If you cannot be a donor:

  • You are pregnant
  • Besides, you have cancer or any other illness
  • Also, treatment is taken (for example, medication or chemotherapy)
  • And doctor’s prescription of certain drugs (for diabetes, antibiotics, anemia, etc.)

How many times can I donate blood?

Blood Donation Blood banks and hospitals are in constant need. Besides, several people around the world need blood donation to survive day after day.

Besides, with this in mind, when you are committed to being a blood donor, you are always expected to donate.

But you can choose. If you only want to donate once, you can

Most important note: Women can donate blood every four months, and men can donate blood every three months.

Facts About Blood and Blood Types

Determining blood types by the presence or absence of specific antigens – substances that can cause an immune response if they are foreign to the body. Since specific antigens can increase patients’ resistance to invasive blood transfusions, safe blood circulation depends on careful blood typing and cross-matching.

Above the surface of red blood cells are four main blood groups determined by the presence or absence of two antigens – A and B. Besides A and B antigens, there is a protein called Rh factor, which can be present (+) or absent (-), which makes eight common blood (A +, A-, B +, B-,) and O +, O-, AB +, AB-).

Is there a universal blood donor type?

For emergency infections, the type of blood group and the negative blood is the variety of blood that most people who take it have the lowest risk of having a severe reaction. That is why it is sometimes referred to as the universal blood donor type.

Blood group types are based on proteins called antigens that are present in red blood cells. Red blood cell coatings contain antigens and minor antigens. Blood groups can classify into one of four types based on the significant antigens:

  1. A Type
  2. Type B
  3.  And Type AB
  4. Type O.

Besides, blood can also classify by the rhesus (RH) factor. If you have Rh factor in your blood, you are Rh-positive. If your blood is deficient in Rh factor, you are Rh-negative.

Ideally, blood is transfused with donated blood, which matches the type and RH factor. Even then, small samples of the recipient and donor blood are mixed to test for compatibility in a crossmatching process.

In an emergency, type O negative red blood cells can be given to anyone – especially if the condition is fatal or very little blood transfusion.

What Is A Universal Blood Donor type?

Universal donors are O-negative blood types. Why? And negative blood can use for any blood transfusion.

Type O is a regular short supply and high demand in hospitals – both because it is the most common form of blood and because type O negative blood is the universal blood type for children with emerging infections and immunodeficiency.

About 45% of Caucasians are type O (positive or negative), but 51% of African-Americans and 57% of Hispanics are type O of minorities and diverse populations. Hence, they play an essential role in meeting the uninterrupted need for blood.

There is a high demand for types and negatives and positives. Only %% of the population is hostile. However, negative blood is most needed because it uses in emergencies. The need for O + is high because it is a frequent bleeding (37% of the population).

Universal Red Cell Donor Type O Negative Blood. Universal plasma donors contain type AB blood. For more information about plasma donations, see Plasma Donation Information.

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Quick facts about O-

  • 7% of the population has O- blood.
  • O-blood is the highest demand for blood.
  • Negative blood is preferred blood for people with premature infants and people with cancer, including underdeveloped immune system

The preferred method of donation for O-donors is double red blood cells and whole blood. With these two types of donations, O-donors maximize their donations and significantly impact patients in need.

Although O-blood is a universal blood type for whole and red blood cell infections, it is not a rare blood type, or it is not a universal blood type for platelet or plasma infections.

How rare is O negative universal donor blood type?

  • About 1 in 7 people have O-negative blood
  • Also, about 13% of our blood donors have O-negative blood.
  • In comparison, 35% of donors have positive blood.

Besides, Air ambulances and emergency response vehicles carry O negative supplies for emergencies. Collecting adequate O negative blood is a constant challenge, and we always are

Why is o negative the universal donor blood type?

Blood transfused blood must have the same antigen as your (compatible blood). If you get an infection that contains different antigens (mismatched blood), antibodies in your plasma will destroy donor blood cells. That is called a transfusion reaction and occurs as soon as the incomplete transfer of blood. Transferred reactions can be mild or cause severe illness or even death.

There is no antigen in type O-negative blood. We call it the “universal donor” type because it is compatible with any blood. Type AB-positive blood calls the “universal recipient” type because the person who has it can receive any blood. Although the “universal donor” and “universal recipient” types can classify blood in an emergency, blood tests prevent blood circulation reactions.

Brain antigens (other than A, B, and RH) in red blood cells can sometimes cause problems. So, blood is also tested for their match before circulation.

Responses to severe infections due to blood type testing are rare today.

Universal donor Blood Types and Transfusion

Blood types must match for safe transfer in a particular way here. Proper blood circulation can mean the difference between life and death.

Someone has to need a blood transfusion every 2 seconds in the United States.

Use the interactive graphic below to learn more about blood mixing for blood circulation.

Also, Rh-negative blood can give to Rh-negative patients. And Rh-positive or Rh-negative blood can give to Rh-positive patients. The reverse of Plasma rules from blood rules.

  • Universal Red Cell Donor Type O Negative Blood as well as
  • Besides, Universal plasma donors contain type AB blood.

More than 600 known antigens, the presence or absence of which produces “rare blood types.” Specific blood types are unique to a particular ethnic or racial group. That’s why African-American blood donation may be the best hope for the needs of sickle cell patients.

What happens after I give blood?

Your blood donation will forward to a blood bank and given to whoever is suitable for you

After donating blood, you must follow some safety precautions. Such as:

  • Rest after grant
  • Put the bandage on your arm for about 30 minutes
  • Eat light meals (sticky as you like)
  • Drink plenty of fluids
  • Don’t lift heavy things all-day
  • Avoid hot baths on grant day

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Final Verdict of Universal donor blood type

Universal donor blood type means O-negative blood. The reason has explained above. So, everyone should know their blood group in advance. Otherwise, you may have a problem if you need to give it to someone because you do not see the blood group. He can give blood to anyone negative if he crosses. But in other blood groups, it is impossible to provide even after cross-matching, except for the respective blood groups. That is why O-negative is called the universal donor blood type


By NMK Pro