VA Disability Pay Schedule

If you’ve got a disability or medical condition due to your military service, you may qualify for VA disability compensation. But there are certain things you need to do to prepare. And it helps to know the mechanics of how the federal government pays the VA disability compensation.

This text will walk you through the basics of qualifying for VA disability compensation, how much you can expect to receive, and the VA Disability Pay Schedule.


What is VA Disability Compensation?

VA disability pay is a tax-free monthly benefit from the Department of Veterans Affairs to veterans who got an illness or wounded during military service. The Veterans with existing conditions that they worsened by service can also receive compensation. The federal government decides VA disability pay rating based on the severity of the disability and the number of dependents.

How to Determine Your Disability Compensation?

To get VA disability compensation, veterans must first establish a service connection for the condition(s) they are expecting.  Generally speaking, service connection involves the following three elements:

  • A current, diagnosed condition;
  • An in-service event, injury, or illness; 
  • The veterans must present a medical nexus between the currently diagnosed condition and the in-service event.


Benefits for Qualifying Dependents

If you have qualifying dependents and have a VA disability rating of 30% or higher, you may qualify for additional compensation.

Qualifying dependents include:

  • Your spouse;
  • Minor children (under age 18);
  • Dependent parents;
  • Children ages 18-23 years old and still in school

Additional benefits may be payable if the disabled veteran has a spouse who requires aid and attendance.

Cost of Living Adjustments (COLA)

The federal government adjusts VA disability compensation each year to account for increases in the cost of living. Generally, the VA announces the cost-of-living adjustment (COLA) for each October at the beginning of the federal fiscal year. The adjustment then takes effect in December.

For 2021, the VA has already announced that the COLA is increasing payment benefits by 1.3%. It translates to an increase of up to $19.68 per month for those with a 100% disability rating. The growth goes into effect in December.


How Can You Prove You are Eligible for VA Disability Compensation?

Your claim hinges on having the ability to supply a nexus, or link, between your current diagnosis and an in-service event, illness, or injury.

In some cases, the VA presumes service connection, in which case the process slightly varies.

In most cases, however, you must prove service connection. Good supporting evidence is the best way to prove this. Per VA rules, that evidence must include:

  • Your discharge paperwork (this proves you received a discharge that was not dishonorable)
  • Treatment records
  • Your service record
  • A current diagnosis

You might also want to include testimony from your doctor as well. It can strengthen your claim.


How Do You Apply for Benefits From the VA? 

You may apply to receive disability benefits from the VA through their online portal, by phone, by mail, or face to face person. The VA will need some essential information from you to work out your disability rating and the benefits you’ll receive. The VA may urge an examination to assess the severity of your disability after your application is received. 

You may support the claim that you file with the VA for benefits with testimonials from trusted friends and relations. These testimonials referred to as “buddy statements” function as eyewitness accounts of the legitimacy of your disability. The VA must-see medical proof that your disability is legitimate and joined to your military service. Still, testimonials will support your claim and verify to the VA that others have seen the impact that your disability has on you.

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To be eligible to get disability benefits from the VA, you need to have a disability, either physical or psychological, that directly connects to your military service. To be considered a disabled veteran within the eyes of the military, you’ll have a physical disability or a long-term injury or struggle with service-related mental health issues like PTSD, anxiety, or depression. 


standard VA Disability Pay ScheduleClaims

With standard VA disability claims, the VA performs the evidence gathering and compiles all related documents.

If the VA is unable to attain a needed document, you may be required help. It typically applies to documents not held by a federal agency, like employer information, private medical records, and documents from local governments or states. 

As with all claims programs, be ready to supply your DD214 (or other separation documents), service treatment records, VA medical records, and private medical records of your claim. Those needing assistance applying for their VA disability claim may also work with an accredited attorney, claims agent, or Veterans Service Officer (VSO).

If you have yet to break away from service, you’ll still apply to employ the Benefits Delivery at Discharge (BDD) program. To become eligible for the BDD, you must:

  • Be on full-time active duty (including members of the Coast Guard, Reserve, or National Guard),
  • Have a known separation date, and
  • Your separation date is within the next 90 to 180 days

If you’ve got less than 90 days until separation, you’ll still file a complete development or legal claims.


How Many Times Can You Appeal a VA Claim?

 If you file a VA disability application and are denied or given a low rating, you have one year to appeal that decision. And, If you wait for more than a year, you can file a new application. If the federal government denies that application, you can appeal. There is no limit to how many times you can demand different applications.


When’s Payday? The VA Disability Compensation Pay Schedule

Typically, the VA pays out benefits by direct deposit each month in arrears. The VA pays out gifts for each month on the first business day of the following month.

It is essential to note that if the first business day of the month falls on a holiday, the federal government will pay VA benefits on the last business day of the month. 

Non-business days include weekends and federal holidays.

Pay Dates for 2021

If you are receiving VA disability compensation, you can expect your disability compensation payment dates as follows: 

  • The pay date for January 2021 is February 1st. 
  • The pay date for February is Monday, March 1st.
  • For March, the pay date is Thursday, April 1st.
  • For April, the federal government will issue the payments on Friday, April 30th.
  • They will issue the May payments on Tuesday, June 1st.
  • They will issue June payments on Thursday, July 1st.
  • July payments will reach on Friday, July 30th.
  • August payments will reach Wednesday, September 1st.
  • The pay date for September is Friday, October 1st.
  • October payments from VA will arrive on Monday, November 1st.
  • November payments will arrive on Wednesday, December 1st.
  • December payment from VA will arrive on the last day of the year, Friday, December 31st.

2021 VA Disability Rates

Once service connection is approved, VA will assign a disability rating based on the severity of the veteran’s condition.  Typically, the more severe condition, the higher the disability rating they will receive.  These ratings range from 0 to 100 percent, in increments of 10.

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VA disability compensation rates usually increase each year due to the cost-of-living adjustment (COLA) set by Congress.  This year, compensation rates are seeing a 1.3 percent increase effective December 2020.  The VA disability compensation rates for 2021 are as below:

10% – 20% (No Dependents)
Percentage Rate
10% $144.14 
20% $284.93 

30% – 60% Without Children
Dependent Status 30% 40% 50% 60%
Veteran Alone $441.35  $635.77  $905.04  $1,146.39 
Veteran with Spouse Only $493.02  $705.67  $992.16  $1,250.73 
Veteran with Spouse & One Parent $534.55  $761.38  $1,062.06  $1,334.81 
Veteran with Spouse and Two Parents $576.08  $817.10  $1,131.96  $1,418.89 
Veteran with One Parent $482.89  $691.48  $974.94  $1,230.47 
Veteran with Two Parents $524.42  $747.20  $1,044.84  $1,314.55 
Additional for A/A spouse $48.62  $63.82  $81.04  $97.25 

List of VA Disability  Pay Schedule(2021 UPDATE)

30% – 60% With Children
Dependent Status 30% 40% 50% 60%
Veteran with Spouse and Child $532.52  $757.32  $1,056.99  $1,328.73 
Veteran with Child Only $475.80  $682.38  $962.79  $1,216.28 
Veteran with Spouse, One Parent and Child $574.06  $813.04  $1,126.89  $1,412.82 
Veteran with Spouse, Two Parents and Child $615.59  $868.76  $1,196.78  $1,496.89 
Veteran with One Parent and Child $517.33  $738.08  $1,032.68  $1,300.37 
Veteran with Two Parents and Child $558.86  $793.81  $1,102.57  $1,384.44 
Each Additional Child Under Age 18 $25.32  $34.45  $43.56  $51.66 
Each Additional Schoolchild Over Age 18 $84.08  $112.44  $139.79  $168.16 
Additional for A/A spouse $48.62  $63.82  $81.04  $97.25 


70% – 100% Without Children
Dependent Status 70% 80% 90% 100%
Veteran Alone $1,444.71  $1,679.35  $1,887.18  $3,146.42 
Veteran with Spouse Only $1,567.28  $1,819.15  $2,044.19  $3,321.85 
Veteran with Spouse and One Parent $1,665.54  $1,931.59  $2,170.82  $3,462.64 
Veteran with Spouse and Two Parents $1,763.81  $2,044.03  $2,297.44  $3,603.42 
Veteran with One Parent $1,542.97  $1,791.79  $2,013.80  $3,287.21 
Veteran with Two Parents $1,641.23  $1,904.24  $2,140.43  $3,427.99 
Additional for A/A spouse $112.44  $128.65  $144.86  $160.88 


70% – 100% With Children
Dependent Status 70% 80% 90% 100%
Veteran with Spouse and Child $1,657.44  $1,922.47  $2,160.69  $3,450.32 
Veteran with Spouse, Two Parents and Child $1,526.76  $1,772.45 $1,992.53  $3,263.73 
Veteran with Spouse, One Parent and Child $1,755.70  $2,034.81  $2,287.31  $3,591.11 
Veteran with Spouse, Two Parents and Child $1,853.96  $2,147.46  $2,413.94  $3,731.89 
Veteran with One Parent and Child $1,625.02  $1,884.89  $2,119.16  $3,404.52 
Veteran with Two Parents and Child $1,723.39  $1,997.43  $2,245.68  $3,545.33 
Each Additional Child Under Age 18 $60.79 $68.89  $78.00  $87.17 
Each Additional Schoolchild Over Age 18 $196.42  $224.79  $253.25  $281.57 
Additional for A/A spouse $112.44  $128.65  $144.86  $160.88 


FAQs onVA Disability  Pay Schedule:

  1. How do I maximize my VA disability?

Ans: If you think your service-connected condition warrants a higher disability rating than the one it is currently assigned, there are two routes you can take depending on which best fits your situation: File an appeal; or. File a claim for an Increased Rating.


  1. Should you get a lawyer for VA disability?

Ans: You can rely on a veterans service organization agent to assist you with your application. You need to consult a lawyer if you have applied for disability benefits and received a denial letter and intend to file an appeal, or you need a discharge upgrade to qualify for VA benefits.


  1. Why do VA claims get denied?

Ans: Any relationship suffices. Frequently, this evidence comes from the C&P exam results or an independent checkup. On a related note, failure to participate in the C&P exam is one of the foremost frequent causes of disability review denials. Frequently, the veteran didn’t join in the C&P exam because s/he didn’t know about it.


  1. What are the chances of winning a VA appeal?

Ans: The Board of Veterans’ Appeals Annual Report for Fiscal Year (FY) 2018 indicated that veterans’ VA disability appeals success rate was 35.75 percent. Specifically, out of 85,288 decisions issued, 30,492 were allowed or granted.


  1. Do Va tinnitus claims get denied?

Ans: Many veterans do not notice that they suffer from hearing loss or tinnitus until years after discharge. The VA will routinely deny claims for these conditions due to the delay in filing for benefits. An appeal is typically needed to win these claims.

Ending Speech on VA Disability  Pay Schedule

I hope you’ve got a clear concept about VA Disability Pay Schedule. You have to keep in mind that Military benefits are constantly changing. Keep up with everything from pay to health care by subscribing to, and get access to up-to-date pay charts and more with all the latest benefits delivered straight to your inbox.

By NMK Pro